FARO Focus 350
We recently upgraded our Scanning Equipment to include
a FARO Focus 350. Some key highlights to this scanner:
Distance accuracy up to +/- 1mm.
Range from 0.6m up to 350m.
HDR photo overlay up to 16 megapixel color, allowing scanner to capture up to 976,000 points per second in both bright and dark settings.
Extended temperature range allows for quality scans in challenging temperature conditions.
On-site registration allows the scanner to immediately send data wirelessly for real-time scan processing.
Scan Group Feature pinpoints areas to be rescanned with higher resolution, allowing greater detail of even the smallest areas.
Automatic digital hashing adds encrypted security to all scans by hashing data at the time of capture.
Deformation monitoring saves time by determining if the surveyed structure is changing shape or moving.
Contact us today for your scanning needs!