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The US 34 Biggsville Bypass was the first project in the Illinois Department of Transportation's effort to expand the US 34 corridor from two lanes to a four-lane divided highway, from US 67 to the Mississippi River. This corridor is vital to the economic health of the local communities and the trucking industries that use it.  The US 34 Biggsville Bypass project was one of the largest construction projects in District 4 in several years. It included 1,000,000 cubic yards of earthwork, three milti-span bridges, over 164,000 tons of HMA, and covered an area of nearly 200 acres.


Millennia provided Phase III engineering services for the $50 million improvement. 


Millennia also worked with others to provide hydraulic modeling, design guidance, permitting and hydraulic reports for multiple creek crossings, channel-modifications, and stream bank stabilization on this contract. Improvements included structural culvert replacements at IL 41 and IL 167, and an analysis of culverts at US 34 and an adjacent railroad.

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